Privacy Policy

The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform people using the website (the “Website”) about the practices concerning information collected by the Centre d’expertise en technologie de l’information en santé mentale, dépendance et itinérance (CETI-SMDI) of the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (the “CIUSSS-EMTL”) when browsing and participating in the You, Me, Baby program.


This policy applies to anyone who browses the website and/or uses any of the tools available on the website. It also applies to anyone who contacts us by phone, social media, surveys or in any other manner.

Any third-party website or document is not covered by this policy.

Purpose of the privacy policy

The purpose of the privacy policy is to inform people using the website of the following:

  1. Data collected;
  2. Use of the data collected;
  3. Who has access to the data collected;
  4. Rights of people using the site;
  5. Site cookie policy.

By browsing the website and using the You, Me, Baby self-care, you consent to this privacy policy. We invite you to consult the Rights of use section for more information on the scope of consent.

This Privacy Policy works in parallel with the Terms of Use.

Applicable laws

 The policy is applied in conformity with the requirements of the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information, RLRQ, chapter A-2.1 (Access Act), the Act respecting health services and social services, RLRQ, chapter S 4.2, the Act respecting health information and social services, RLRQ, chapter R-22.1 and any other applicable legislation.


 By browsing the Website and using the You, Me, Baby self-care, people using the Website consent:

  1. to the conditions described in the present privacy policy;
  2. to the collection, use and storage of the data listed in this policy, as described in the following section.

Collected data

Data collected automatically:

 When you visit or use the website, your computer or other device will automatically send data to the website server. This communication is necessary to permit the use of the site by its visitors and allows CIUSSS-EMTL to determine the navigation data of people using the website. You consent to the collection and storage of the following information:

  1. Links clicked using the site;
  2. Information consulted on the site and interactions on it;
  3. Duration of content consultation;
  4. Domain name of your Internet service provider;
  5. Browser type (e.g. Firefox, Explorer, Chrome), operating system (e.g. Windows, Mac OS) and preferred language;
  6. Date and time of access to the website pages;
  7. The address of the referring website when accessing the website from a different site;
  8. Your IP address and region;
  9. Keywords searched.

We use web analytics tools to examine the use of the website. The website currently uses Google Analytics, a web analytics tool provided by Google, which automatically collects the data listed above by using cookies. This data, including your IP address, is used by Google Analytics to produce statistics and reports on navigation. This technical data is stored in the United States. Google Analytics reserves the right to share this data with third parties if it is legally required to do so or for the purpose of processing data on its behalf by third parties.

It is possible to block the analysis of information on your computer by using a browser add-on. By doing so, Google Analytics will be prevented from recording data about your browsing.

To unsubscribe from Google Analytics, visit:

For more information on the use of Google Analytics, please follow the link below:

Data collected via digital You, me, baby self-care.

We collect your responses when you use the You, Me, Baby digital self-care tool available on the Web site, including any personal information about you that you submit.

If a support or request processing service is set up to support people using the website, which could include a telephone line or a social network account, our participation may require access to the information necessary to communicate with you.

Data use

Data collected automatically:

Data collected automatically on our site will be used only for the purposes specified in this policy or indicated on the relevant pages of our site, in an “anonymized” form. We will not use your data beyond the purposes disclosed on this website or in this policy.

The data collected automatically is used exclusively to manage, evaluate, and optimize the website, and for statistical purposes, to maintain and improve the browsing experience offered to users of the website.

Information collected for registration and survey purposes:

Your first and last name and email address will be required to register for the You, Me, Baby self-care program.

In addition, this information may be used to contact you for survey purposes. Your answers to surveys are used to understand your interests and needs, and to develop and improve our services. By consenting to receive these surveys, we may send e-mails to your email address to gather your opinions.

Data collected via self-care You, me, baby:

Information collected directly through You, Me, Baby self-care, i.e., information you provide using self-care, will be used exclusively for the purposes of providing mental health care through self-care and to assist you in this regard.

The website is hosted in Quebec.

Data sharing 

 Persons working at CIUSSS-EMTL may be required to examine data collected in the context of their duties (for example, to ensure the security of such data) or for the analysis purposes described above.

In addition, we may need to give access to your personal information to certain service providers, if necessary (for example, a software supplier). Our suppliers are bound to respect the confidentiality of any information that comes to their attention. Only necessary information will be shared.

Our suppliers only have access to the information they actually need to provide the services required. They are not permitted to use your personal information for any other purpose or to share it with others.

In addition, our suppliers are required to use the same rigorous security and confidentiality mechanisms as we do.

 The navigation data collected automatically may also be shared with our partners involved in the management and administration of the You, Me, Baby self-care tool and website, i.e. the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine and the professionals who contributed to the development of the program. These third parties will not be able to access this data beyond what is reasonably necessary to meet the management objectives of the tool and the website. These third parties will have agreed with CIUSSS-EMTL to respect the confidentiality of this information.

Information collected directly through You, Me, Baby self-care will not be shared with third parties. If you wish to make this information available to someone (e.g., a healthcare professional), you can generate a copy of your You, Me, Baby toolbox from the self-care tool and you will have the option of using this document.

Further disclosures

 Your data will not be shared, sold, or revealed to third parties, except in the following cases:

  1. If required by law;
  2. If required for legal proceedings;
  3. To support or protect our legal rights.

Duration of data retention

 Data collected automatically from users, as mentioned in this policy, will not be kept longer than is necessary to meet the purposes for which it was collected. Once the intended use has been completed, your personal information will be destroyed, deleted or made anonymous, unless we are legally bound to keep it.

Health data collected through You, Me, Baby self-care is stored in accordance with the applicable rules governing health information.

Data protection

 All data saved, recorded and stored in our system is secure and accessible only to the people listed in this policy. Persons whose duties require them to have access to this data are bound by strict confidentiality agreements and a breach of this agreement would result in the dismissal of the person or the termination of the service agreement. In addition, we have put in place rigorous security mechanisms to protect your personal information against theft or unauthorized access.

Although we take reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of our data, no guarantee is given as to the security mechanism, and we inform you that there is a certain risk that the information transmitted may be disclosed without your consent and through no fault of CIUSSS-EMTL. CIUSSS-EMTL and its partners will not be liable for the disclosure of such confidential information, except in cases of serious misconduct or gross negligence.

 Rights of use

 As a user of the website, you have the right to access all your personal data collected by us. In addition, you have the right to update, delete or correct any personal data in our possession if it is permitted under the law. You may also choose to withdraw or modify your consent to our data collection and use at any time, if it is legally possible to do so, and you have informed us in a reasonable time.

If you wish to have your information deleted or modified in any way, or if you wish to change your consent to this policy, please contact the email indicated below.


This Privacy Policy may be modified unilaterally by CÉRRIS and CEMTL to maintain compliance with the law or to reflect any changes in our data collection process. We recommend that our users check our policy as often as possible to ensure that they are informed of any update.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Me Marie-Christine Tremblay at:

Effective date: June 17th, 2024

Intellectual Property

This website is the exclusive property of CIUSSS-EMTL and its partners, except as otherwise indicated. Any link to a third-party website or document (e.g. PDF document) is the property of the third party. Some of the content on this site may be subject to third-party copyright. Where CIUSSS-EMTL is not the copyright owner of information on the website, the content is protected by applicable legislation, including the Copyright Act.