Stress is a set of physical reactions that help you face a difficult situation. You, Me, Baby offers strategies to help manage stress and attain mental balance.
A health issue during pregnancy, a change in responsibilities at work, a major life change or transition, or a conflict with someone you know can all become sources of stress to varying degrees depending on the event.
It is perfectly normal to experience stress. However, high levels of stress over a long period of time can affect your physical and mental health. That’s why it is important to have strategies for managing stress.
Not all sources of stress are bad. Some are considered good in that they motivate action. For example, the arrival of a baby is a source of “good” stress that is seen as positive, as it motivates parents to care for their babies, seek their well-being, and meet their needs.
What one person considers a stressful event depends on how one perceives the situation and life context. For example, if you tend to favour predictability and are in a state of fatigue or exhaustion, the smallest thing may be perceived as stressful.

Listen to a short presentation on stress here: