Intimacy in the couple after the arrival of a child

The arrival of a new child changes the couple. This transition from « couple »to « family » occurs differently for the expectant mother who is carrying the child and the partner. Unlike the pregnant woman who begins to adjust to the arrival of the baby sooner, the partner cannot feel the pregnancy evolve on a daily basis.

This may already impose constraints on intimacy between partners. It is a challenge that many—if not all—couples will face. Partners would do well to protect or preserve their intimacy following the arrival of a baby.

Intimacy and sexuality

Intimacy includes sexuality, but intimacy is not expressed solely through sex. The couple’s sex life can change not only after the baby arrives but can also change prior to the birth. Indeed, women’s physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy and after childbirth affect sexuality. This is why many couples learn to explore sexuality differently during this period, for example, through tenderness or new forms of intimate exchanges.

The couple will be able to resume their sex life once the new mother recovers her physical and psychological health. If you need support with this, see Ressources.