The activities that babies enjoy vary according to their age. Newborns like to play with adults who care for them. They are fascinated by them! The visual and auditory contact you have with your baby is very important. As babies grow, their interests and abilities change.
Here are some activities that babies like to do according to their age:
- Play at imitating faces and expressions.
- Move: Being rocked or going for a walk (in a stroller).
- Get a gentle massage; they appreciate being touched.
- Listen to soft sounds (music, musical toys or your voice).
- Track moving objects.
- Observe a mobile.
- Move their limbs.
- Play with puppets.
- Watch a rattle being shaken.
- Hold a rattle and shake it.
- Listen to rhythmic music.
- Use early-learning toys.
- Play
with your hands in front of your face. - Practise rolling from stomach onto back.
- Observe soap bubbles.
- Look in the mirror.
- Swing (in a baby swing).
- Play with hands.
- Play with other babies.
- Go for walks carried on your back.
- Find toys that are hidden.
- Look at colourful picture books.
- Learn the sounds of animals.
- Play
games. - Bang on objects (containers, pots, musical objects).
- Play ball with you (by rolling it).
- Practise standing.
- Push a rolling toy.
- Tear up paper.
- Blow bubbles with their mouth.
- Play with lever objects.
- Empty a container.
- Play in water.
- Play with a large ball (e.g., beach ball).
- Throw something into a container (e.g., sandbags, balls).
- Play with their shadow.
- Explore.
Also consult the family activity cards in the Toolkit to find other games you can do with your baby.
The following sites contain reliable information on child development. They offer summaries of the best knowledge we have to date about children’s learning, health, attachment, and psychosocial development. You will find information on the various ways to support your child’s development.
On education and learning:
On health and nutrition :
On attachment :
On the family :
Need help figuring out how to overcome obstacles to fun activities with your baby? Consult this strategy.