Essential strategies for getting through tough times

Here are some strategies to help you through a hospitalization or tough times, such as if you have to social isolate from others.

Support can be practical or emotional. The different forms of support described in Module 8 are important. In times of social distancing, support can take more creative forms (e.g., virtual communication, photos, symbolic objects, or food with positive memories attached to it). It is worthwhile to develop your personal resources to be as self-reliant as possible while making the most of your network. Nevertheless, staying connected to your social network, through virtual or other means, is good for overcoming these tough times. Explore the different sources of support around you with You, Me, Baby.

Not having enough information can be stressful, but having too much information, especially if it comes from unreliable sources, can be stressful as well. It is up to you to determine how much information is too much information. Any questions you may have should be addressed first and foremost to your medical team. When the information you receive is uncertain, the challenge is to temporarily tolerate some ambiguity. This requires patience. Consider using your mindfulness strategies to work on coping with and accepting your reality.

Where information on COVID-19 is concerned, it is recommended to consult only reliable sources :

It is important to ask questions clearly and to voice both your needs and your mood. You, Me, Baby explores the purposes and styles of communication.

You, Me, Baby has suggested that you practise relaxation and mindfulness and take care of yourself as much as possible. In order to take care of yourself, it is recommended to maintain healthy lifestyle habits. These elements, which are sometimes taken for granted, are essential to maintain balance. Getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, maintaining positive relationships, and doing hobbies are examples of healthy lifestyle habits that help you to take care of yourself and your baby. You, Me, Baby also offers relaxation and mindfulness exercises to help you in this regard.

You can do pleasant activities, alone or with others. People who do so often feel happier. They are more likely to have positive thoughts about their lives and positive interactions with other people. When you feel depressed or tired, it is often difficult to find the energy to do activities. However, it can help you feel better and less tired. Pleasant activities can give you a sense of control over the situation. Not all activities require you to interact with others or to be very physically active. You, Me, Baby offers strategies for incorporating pleasant activities in your daily routine.

Recognizing helpful and unhelpful thoughts is an important strategy for gaining an accurate view of reality. Some thoughts related to the situation you are experiencing are helpful and allow you to take action despite a difficult situation. Other thoughts are unhelpful and can worsen your mood.

It is helpful to develop self-compassion, to accept your different reactions to the situation in a non-judgmental way, and to take charge of your emotions and unhelpful thoughts. It is also useful to remember that reality is in constant flux. All our experiences, even the most difficult ones, have a beginning, a middle, and an end.